quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2018


Dear Sir,

Good day.
I am August Helen, a wealth manager with Cadiz Asset Management based in South Africa.One of the clients in
my portfolio is interested in investing in your country and he has asked me to

help him seek private business owners and investors who may be interested in this proposition.The investment portfolio is
to the tune of $73.8 Million USD (Seventy Three Million,Eight Hundred Thousand US Dollars).

I am contacting you to find out if you would be interested in this proposal. Due to my clients political position in his country,
he wants this done as discreetly as possible. We will handle all the logistics for the movement of the funds to you.

Kindly contact me if you think you can handle this and if your company has any existing of pending projects that needs funding.
The easiest way to contact me is via my email address.

I have decided to keep this very short for now and will give you more information and all the relevant details when I receive a positive
response from you.

Best regards,
August Helen.

segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2018

Your immediate response is required if you are alive


Please confirm if you are still alive because two gentle men
walked into my office this morning to claim your inheritance
funds with our bank. They said that you are dead and that they
are your
representative. I got your email from the file of your relative
who is yet to be paid for the Contract he has executed before his
death several years ago.You the beneficiary of this fund has
not been in contact with the bank to claim your fund. The
gentlemen submitted an address where they want your VISA DEBIT
ATM CARD sent.

If you are still alive, please indicate by sending your full
contact details within 7 day of receiving this message, faliure
to do so, I will send the card to the address submitted by your


Derek Langston

quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018

RE: Fai la tua richiesta di prestito con fiducia in 48 ore

Hai bisogno di un prestito di denaro veloce? : solution-finance@inbox.lv
prestito di denaro tra individuo e anche tra azienda o tra agenzia, azienda, qualsiasi cosa per un'emergenza (spese mediche, costo di sostituzione di un veicolo, costi di riparazione estate ...) o per un progetto meno vitale (Opportunit? di andare su un investimento immobiliare viaggio di opportunit? ...) Siamo qui per aiutarvi in tutte le vostre esigenze di finanziamento.
Se hai bisogno di un prestito per finanziare i tuoi progetti, acquista un appartamento, per risolvere i tuoi problemi finanziari, contattaci. Avevi bisogno di un prestito di denaro? Facciamo prestiti di denaro tra privati e societ? e investiamo anche noi aiutiamo tutti. Facciamo tutti i tipi di prestiti con un'aliquota ridotta del 2%. Per i prestiti di investimento per finanziare i tuoi progetti, l'importo massimo ? di 50.000.000,00 ?. Per tutti gli altri tipi di prestiti, l'importo del prestito ? compreso tra 10.000,00 ? e 50.000.000,00 ?. Hai bisogno di un prestito per la tua casa, per la tua azienda, per l'acquisto di auto, per creare la tua attivit?, per debiti familiari o per creare un ristorante essere un hotel? Indipendentemente dalla tua situazione, possiamo concederti prestiti da 10.000 ? fino a 500.000.000 ? a condizioni molto semplici con l'assicurazione. E il nostro prestito ? affidabile e ti assicuro che ? veloce senza un protocollo. Siamo specializzati nell'inve s
Contattaci: solution-finance@inbox.lv
Contattateci non per posta al nostro indirizzo e-mail: solution-finance@inbox.lv
Do you need a fast money loan? : solution-finance@inbox.lv
money loan between individual and also between company or between agency, company, whatever for an emergency (medical expenses, replacement cost of a vehicle, repair costs summer ...) Or for a less vital project (Opportunity to go on a real estate investment opportunity trip ...) We are here to help you in all your financing needs.
If you need a loan to finance your projects, buy an apartment, to solve your financial problems, contact us. You needed money loan? We make money lending between private individual and company and investment also we help everyone We make all types of loans with a reduced rate of 2%. For investment loans to finance your projects, the maximum amount is ?. For all other types of loans, the loan amount is from 10,000.00 ? to ?. You need loan for your home, for your Company, for car purchase, to create your own business, for familiar debts or to create a restaurant be a hotel? Regardless of your situation we can grant you loans from 10,000 ? up to 500,000,000 ? on very simple terms with insurance. And our loan are reliable and rest assured it's fast without a protocol. We are specialized in investing abroad. If you really have a loan in all fields of finance contacted us as soon as possible write us by mail on our email address to have a result of satis f
Contact us: solution-finance@inbox.lv
Contact us not mail on our e-mail address: solution-finance@inbox.lv